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Privacy policy FAQ

This section summarizes key aspects of our privacy policy to address the main questions you might have as a user.

Where is my data stored?

Rimscout stores customer data in separate databases, with one dedicated database for each tenant or customer. All customer data is hosted in Germany, adhering to German data protection regulations.

Who can access my data?

Every customer has their own tenant, and the data for each tenant is securely isolated in a separate database, as mentioned above. Access to a tenant's data within the portal is only granted to user explicitly added under "Access control." The Rimscout support team also has access to the data, as this is necessary for maintenance and support.

What personal data does Rimscout collect?

Rimscout collects the device name and contact information (name and email address) of logged-in users. This data is used for associating users with their devices and are subject to a standard retention period of 45 days. This retention period can be configured if requested.

Rimscout also gathers general network environment data, including public IP addresses, to determine device location and identify network configuration anomalies.

The application continuously monitors network connections, but only while the user's device is turned on and the user is logged in. This allows Rimscout to track device power-on and power-off times. However, Rimscout does not collect data that reveals user activities on the device. All network tests run independently of the actual programs running on the device.


Information about user logon and logoff times can also be extracted from other applications, such as e.g. Intune.

Where can I get further information?

This FAQ outlines the key aspects of our privacy policy. For further information feel free to contact or refer to our service terms.